Senin, 23 November 2009

Poles Apart

The name Antarctica was coined to mean "opposite to the Arctic." The climate of the two areas is very different. Antarctica is the coldest area in the world. It is about 30 degrees colder than the Arctic. The land animals and plants of the two regions are very different. For example, penguins populate Antarctica coastlines but do not exist in the Arctic. Antarctica is the storehouse of about 85 percent of the total world supply of ice. If this great volume of ice were to melt, the volume of the world oceans would increase, and sea level would rise. Extreme atmospheric changes would have to take place for this to happen.

Green Revolution

Green Revolution swept the world. World food production doubled with the introduction of a new approach to agriculture. But, though the population continues to grow, food production has failed to keep up with it. Finally, the Green Revolution has brought about social and political conflict. The problem lies in the cost of the new agricultural methods. Social tensions naturally increase in this situation. We need to find new methods that will better meet the needs of the world's hungry people and will also be less destructive.

Essay UTS

Ardhana Wicaksono
Class 16

Control The Birth Rate with
Family Planning Program

Population explosion is feared to rise sharply. The government estimates that in 2015 Indonesia’s population will increase to 247.5 million. Family planning programs is a first step to control the birth rate, especially in the era of regional autonomy.
This population explosion will have an effect on the budget provision of health facilities, education, and food availability. It also effect the fulfillment of infant nutrition and increased unemployment. This condition will increase the burden of financial expenditure. If the availability of the budget can not be fulfilled, it will affect the quality of human resources. Because of the dense population, it will be difficult to meet basic needs, because the carrying capacity of government’s budget is reduced.
This is also a challenge for local governments. If the population have a quality, the expense is not a problem. However, if the population have a low quality, would be a burden for the region and public. There should be a strategic move from the local government to suppress the population growth rate. Family planning programs can suppress the population growth rate in this country. Besides anticipating the population explosion, family planning could also alleviate poverty.
Since regional autonomy, the movement of planning family is reduce. This impact on public awareness to follow the family planning programs which continous to decline. Plus the limited local finance. So that funding to improve family planning programs are also diminished.
In order to re-intensified family planning program, local governments are required to form a structural institutions. That way, there is an obligation for the district to finance these institutions. The government proposed the existence of Women’s Empowerment Board, Children, Community and Family Planning. If all district are committed to follow the government regulations, the attention to suppress the population explosion can be done.
In addition, it is also required political will of local government in this autonomy era. Not only form the structural organization, but must increase public awareness of family planning program.
Population explosion is not only government’s responsibility. This is a common problem. All elements must work together in suppressing the birth rate. Family Planning Program is the first step to improve the quality of Indonesia future generations.